Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

Heroes throughout Dominion unite to reminisce about the hot summer days. There is a chill in the air, which means it's high time to prepare for new battles ahead!



Brawl Coin
Brawl Coin

Exchange these coins for rare goods in the Brawl Shop.

Brawl Lives

You need Lives to participate in Brawls. Each defeat costs Lives. Additional Lives can be purchased with Emeralds.


The Return

Log in X times during the special event

Day Brawl Coins
1 100
2 200
3 300
Total 600

Gaining Strength

Buy Emeralds

Emeralds bought Emeralds
100 25
500 50
1,000 100
2,500 500
5,000 1,000
10,000 1,500
15,000 2,000
25,000 2,500
40,000 3,000
60,000 5,000
90,000 15,000
Total 30,675

Glitter of Emeralds

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds spent Brawl Coins
100 500
500 750
3,000 1,000
7,000 2,500
12,000 5,000
18,000 7,500
25,000 10,000
35,000 12,500
50,000 15,000
70,000 20,000
90,000 25,000
120,000 35,000
Total 134,750

The Long Road

Spend Energy

Energy Brawl Coins
100 200
250 300
500 400
750 600
1,000 800
1,500 1,000
2,000 1,200
3,000 1,500
4,000 1,750
6,000 2,000
8,000 2,500
Total 12,250

Toward Distant Realms

Open chests in Outlands

Chests Brawl Coins
3 200
6 300
15 400
25 600
40 800
65 1,000
95 1,500
125 2,000
160 3,000
200 4,000
Total 13,800

Desperate Clash

Fight X times in the Arena of Grand Arena

Fights Brawl Coins
5 200
10 250
15 300
20 400
25 500
30 600
40 800
Total 3,050

Chests of Old

Open X Airship/Artifact Chests

Chests Brawl Coins
4 100
15 200
30 500
50 1,000
75 2,000
100 3,000
Total 6,800


Upgrade any Hero's skin X times

Levels Brawl Coins
10 100
20 200
30 500
40 1,000
50 2,000
60 3,000
Total 6,800

Hero Brawl[]

During the Brawl players have to attack other players' defensive formations to earn extra Brawl Coins (300 per win). In addition, each Brawl day there are 3 quest stages to earn extra rewards:

  • 3 Battles Won - 1,000 Brawl Coins
  • 7 Battles Won - 2,000 Brawl Coins
  • 12 Battles Won - 4,000 Brawl Coins

Once all 3 stages have been obtained the Brawl is finished for that Brawl day. A player has 5 Lives, after losing for the 5th time, an additional 5 Lives cost 200 Emeralds; an "Unlimited Lives" offer costs 1,000 Emeralds.

Hero Brawl Teams[]

All Heroes are fully maxed, Pets are allowed, War Flags are not.

Each Brawl day, a different Hero has to be used on both the attacking and the defending team:

Brawl Shop[]



Brawl Treasure Bundles[]
