Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

Ever-conflicted by internal discord, Ishmael gains his power from the evil spirit of his father, a sorcerer, that keeps trying to consume him. Meanwhile, his own self strives to do what's right despite his inner demon's schemes.


Ishmael Doll
Ishmael Doll

Contains Ishmael Soul Stones and other valuable prizes.


The Eternal Storm

Log in time during a special event

Days Ishmael Doll
1 1
2 2
3 3
Total 6

The Demonic Essence

Get VIP points

VIP points Ishmael Doll Emeralds
50 1 25
100 2 50
300 3 100
600 4 250
1,000 5 500
1,500 6 750
2,500 7 1,000
3,500 8 2,000
4,500 9 3,000
Total 45 7,675

Unwavering Resolve

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Ishmael Doll Ishmael Soul Stones
100 1 1
500 2 3
2,500 3 5
6,000 4 10
12,000 5 15
18,000 6 20
25,000 7 25
35,000 8 50
45,000 9 75
65,000 10 100
Total 55 304

Devilish Endurance

Spend Energy

Energy Ishmael Soul Stones
500 1
1,000 3
1,500 5
2,500 10
3,500 15
5,000 20
7,000 25
9,000 50
12,000 75
15,000 100
Total 304