Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

Strongford residents' eyes are transfixed by the mighty giants marching across the city roadways, each step echoing loudly. As the citizens watch in awe, a new hope rises: hope of defeating the Darkness. The Titans! The Titans are coming!


Emerald Coin
Emerald Coin

Exchange these Coins for rewards at the event shop.

Event Point
Event Point

Score Points for completing event quests.


Event Points

Score Points for completing event quests

Event Points Emerald Coins
50 1,400
100 2,800
150 4,000
300 5,200
500 6,200
750 6,500
1,000 7,000
1,250 7,500
1,500 8,800
2,000 9,400
2,500 9,500
3,000 10,000
3,500 10,200
4,000 10,400
4,500 10,600
5,000 10,800
5,500 11,000
6,000 11,200
6,500 11,400
7,000 11,600
7,500 11,800
8,000 12,000
8,500 12,200
9,000 12,400
10,000 12,600
11,000 12,800
12,000 13,000
13,500 13,200
15,000 13,400
Total 278,900

Daily Reward

Log in X times during a special event

Logins Event Points
1 20
2 40
3 60
Total 120


Get VIP Points

VIP Points Event Points
500 150
1,000 250
1,500 400
2,000 500
2,500 650
3,000 800
3,500 1,100
4,000 1,200
4,500 1,400
Total 6,450


Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Event Points
2,500 100
5,000 150
10,000 250
15,000 300
20,000 350
30,000 600
40,000 750
50,000 850
60,000 1,000
Total 4,350

Titan Artifact Spheres

Complete X summons in the Titan Artifact Sphere!

Summons Event Points
10 20
20 25
40 40
60 50
90 70
120 80
150 90
200 120
300 200
400 250
Total 945

Summoning Spheres

Complete X summons in the Summoning Circle!

Summons Event Points
1 10
5 30
10 40
20 60
40 80
60 100
80 120
100 140
120 160
150 180
200 250
Total 1,170

Titan Skins

Upgrade any Titan's skin X times

Levels Event Points
2 10
4 20
7 30
10 40
15 70
20 90
25 140
30 180
35 250
40 300
Total 1,130

Titan Levels

Upgrade any Titan by X levels

Levels Event Points
5 10
10 20
15 40
20 60
30 80
40 100
50 150
60 200
70 250
80 300
Total 1,210

Event Shop[]

Emeralds Coins Reward
150 5 Sigurd (Soul Stones)
60 100 Titan Potions
70 100 Titan Skin Stones
125 500 Essences of the Elements
800 1 Elemental Summoning Doll
10 1 Siungur's Aegis (Fragment)
10 1 Water Crown
15 1 Defense Seal (Fragment)


Sigurd Event Bundle[]
