Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

Astrid doesn't buy into the idea that a princess should sit on her hands while waiting for her prince. She is eager for knowledge by nature, and her heart beats for those who are in trouble. World, rest assured that Astrid and Lukas will take care of you!


Astrid and Lucas Dolls
Astrid and Lucas Doll

Contains Astrid & Lucas Soul Stones and other valuable prizes.


Kitty Business

Log in during the special event

Day Astrid and Lucas Dolls
1 1
2 2
3 3
Total 6

Wanting More

Get VIP points

Emeralds spent Astrid and Lucas Dolls Emeralds
50 1 25
100 2 50
300 3 100
600 4 250
1,000 5 500
1,500 6 750
2,500 7 1,000
3,500 8 2,000
4,500 9 3,000
Total 45 7,675


Spend Emeralds

Emeralds spent Astrid and Lucas Dolls Astrid and Lucas Soul Stones
100 1 1
500 2 3
2,500 3 5
6,000 4 10
12,000 5 15
18,000 6 20
25,000 7 25
35,000 8 50
45,000 9 75
65,000 10 100
Total 55 304

One with Nature

Spend Energy

Energy Astrid and Lucas Soul Stones
500 1
1,000 3
1,500 5
2,500 10
3,500 15
5,000 20
7,000 25
9,000 50
12,000 75
15,000 100
Total 304


Kitty Business

Log in during the special event

Day Artifact Essences Princess' Musket Artifact Scrolls Alchemist's Folio Artifact Metals Ring of Agility
1 50 1        
2     50 1    
3         50 1
Total 50 1 50 1 50 1


Spend Emeralds

Emeralds spent Astrid and Lucas Soul Stones
100 2
300 3
1,000 5
2,000 8
3,000 12
5,000 15
7,000 20
10,000 30
15,000 40
22,000 60
30,000 100
40,000 180
Total 475

One with Nature

Spend Energy

Energy Astrid and Lucas Soul Stones
100 2
300 3
600 5
1,000 6
1,400 9
1,800 10
2,200 12
2,600 14
3,000 16
4,000 18
6,000 25
8,000 35
Total 155

Double Power

Promote Astrid and Lucas

Rank Common Enchantment Runes Rare Enchantment Runes Great Enchantment Runes
Green 5    
Blue   5  
Violet     5
Orange     20
Total 5 5 25

Wanting More

Buy Emeralds today

Emeralds spent Emeralds
200 50
700 100
1,200 150
3,000 200
14,000 1,500
25,000 3,000
Total 5,000
