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Alvanor's Awakening breathed new life into the Old Grove, imbuing even its most unusual and unnoticed residents with sapience. Mushy and Shroom are the flesh of the Ancient Mycelium's flesh, and now they are taking their first steps on the surface. They have much to discover, and much to learn in the expansive and complicated outer world. Help the twins find their moral compass and show them how to act like a true hero!


This event introduces the new tank hero Mushy and Shroom. For this hero, two additional skins were made available right away. However, they had to be obtained by spending Mushy and Shroom Coins on Mushy and Shroom Skins Chests during the event; see below.


Mushy and Shroom Coin
Mushy and Shroom Coin

Earn these coins by defeating bosses and completing quests in Mind of the Old Grove special event! Exchange Mushy and Shroom Coins for unique gifts in the Mycelium Clearing event store.

Mushy and Shroom Doll
Mushy and Shroom Doll

Open to receive Mushy and Shroom's souls and other useful prizes:

Mushy and Shroom Skins Chest
Mushy and Shroom Skins Chest

Mushy and Shroom Skins Chests drop unique Skins, obtainable only from them. A random Skin is guaranteed after 30 opened chests. Test your luck.

For more information, see Mycelium Clearing.

Mycelium Sample
Mycelium Sample

Earn these samples by completing quests in Mind of the Old Grove special event! Use Mycelium Samples to fight bosses in Mind of the Old Grove event.

Event Quests[]

The Moral Compass

Log in time during a special event

Days Mycelium Samples Avatar
1 2  
2 2  
3 3  
4 3  
5 3  
6 4 Sad Mushroom Avatar
7 5  
Total 22 1

Omnipresent Hyphae

Reach VIP level

VIP level Mycelium Samples
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Total 28

Slumbering Wealth

Buy Emeralds

Emeralds Emeralds Avatar Frame
100 25    
300 50    
1,000 100    
2,500 500    
5,000 1,000    
10,000 1,500    
15,000 2,000    
25,000 2,500    
40,000 3,000    
60,000 5,000 Excited Mushroom Avatar  
90,000 15,000   Magic Amanita Frame
Total 30,675 1 1

A Unique Specimen

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Mushy and Shroom Coins Frame
100 500  
500 1,000  
3,000 1,500  
7,000 2,000  
12,000 2,500  
18,000 3,000  
25,000 4,000  
35,000 5,000  
50,000 6,000  
70,000 7,000  
90,000 15,000  
120,000 30,000 Magic Toadstool Frame
Total 77,500 1

Perpetual Development

Complete missions on the Mind of the Old Grove special event map

Missions Mycelium Samples Avatar
1 1  
3 1  
5 2  
10 2  
15 3  
20 3  
25 4  
30 4  
35 6 Scared Mushroom Avatar
Total 26 1

The Underground Legion

Spend Energy

Energy Mycelium Samples
100 1
500 2
1,000 3
2,000 4
3,000 5
4,000 6
6,000 8
8,000 10
10,000 12
12,000 14
15,000 16
18,000 18
Total 99

A Young Hero

Open chests in Outlands

Chests Mycelium Samples
3 1
6 2
10 3
20 4
35 5
50 6
75 8
100 10
125 12
150 14
200 16
250 18
Total 99

Survival Through Trouble

Open chests in the Tower

Chests Mycelium Samples
5 1
12 1
20 2
30 2
40 3
50 3
80 4
100 4
120 6
Total 26

Event Map[]

Mind of the Old Grove is a Special Event which introduces Mushy and Shroom. The event map can be accessed on the right side of Strongford.


Daily Quests[]

Day 1[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Complete 5 summons in the Summoning Circle 1
Spend 500 Tower Coins 1
Upgrade any hero's skin 1 time 1
Upgrade the Gift of the Elements 1
Start or join 1 adventure 2
Total 6

Day 2[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Begin 1 Expedition 1
Complete 5 missions 1
Fight 5 times in the Arena or Grand Arena 1
Use EXP potion 1
Use Pet Summoning 1 time 2
Total 6

Day 3[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Collect 75 Titanite in the Guild Dungeon 1
Get 50 Soul Stones of any hero 1
Spend 200 Energy 1
Spend 500 Arena Coins 1
Start or join 1 adventure 2
Total 6

Day 4[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Begin 1 Expedition 1
Complete 5 summons in the Summoning Circle! 1
Open 1 Heroic Chest 1
Open 3 chests in Outlands 1
Fight 3 times in the Arena or Grand Arena 2
Total 6

Day 5[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Complete 5 missions 1
Spend 500 Tower Coins 1
Upgrade any hero's skin 3 times 1
Use Emerald Exchange 1 time 1
Use Pet Summoning 1 time 2
Total 6

Day 6[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Fight 3 times in the Arena or Grand Arena 1
Open 3 chests in Outlands 1
Open 5 chests in the Tower 1
Upgrade the Gift of the Elements to level 1 1
Start or join 1 adventure 2
Total 6

Day 7[]

Quest Mycelium Samples
Open 3 chests in the Adventures 1
Open 5 chests in the Tower 1
Spend 200 Energy 1
Use EXP potion 1
Use Emerald Exchange 1 time 2
Total 6


Corrupted Grove Defenders (Day 1)[]

Kai: Alvanor, your awakening breathed new life into the Old Grove.
Alvanor: So it appears, my dear friend. I hope...
Old Man: Pardon the interruption, but I have an urgent message for you.
Alvanor: Hmm... Let me hear it!
Old Man: We are, of course, delighted to have you with us again, oh Great Alvanor, but... um... your reappearance has really rocked our Forests.
Kai: How disrespectful! Do you mean to say that Alvanor should not have awoken?
Old Man: No, no, not at all!
Old Man: It's just that... the Corruption seems to have awoken with him...
Kai: And? What are you implying?
Old Man: Well... That's not good news. Although there is, in fact, some good news!
Old Man: The light of your brilliant mind has almost defeated the Corruption and saturated the Grove with its energy, Alvanor.
Alvanor: Oh? That's curious!
Old Man: This energy has given new powers to the Grove's inhabitants — and not just sapient ones.
Old Man: The Ancient Mycelium has become sentient. For centuries, it avoided the living, hiding in the shadows, and residing in peaceful oblivion.
Kai: The Mycelium has become sentient?!
Alvanor: I find that very hard to believe, my friends. We should head out and investigate in person!
Battle: Our grove is all we have left!
Alvanor: If this keeps happening, we won't go very far!
Alvanor: We keep running into corrupted groups everywhere we go!
Kai: Evidently, the Corruption has not been completely eliminated yet!
Old Man: Exalted Thea, Lady of the Old Grove, restores the health of her subjects day and night.
Old Man: And yet there is still a lot to be done!
Kai: I'm getting tired of all this useless talk. How long until we reach the Mycelium?

Forest Bandits (Day 2)[]

Kai: Incredible! Absolutely incredible!
Alvanor: The Mycelium has grown so much over the centuries — and now it's changing before our eyes!
Alvanor: Let's see here... Uh-huh... Cells differentiating into tissues... Reactive growth...
Mycelium: Mu... shi... shi... shroom...
Alvanor: Alvanor. My name is Alvanor.
Mycelium: Al... Alvanor!
Kai: I can't believe my ears!
Alvanor: Who is that?!
Mycelium: It is I. My contra... conto... continuation.
Mycelium: Child... Mu... shi... shi... shroom...
Alvanor: Mushy?
Mushy and Shroom: Mu-shy.
Mushy and Shroom: Shrooom. Shroom.
Alvanor: Fascinating! Exceptional!
Gro Bulgor: What do we have here? A gaggle of old geezers?
Centaur the Legionnaire: Each uglier than the next, too! We'll be taking the girl.
Kai: Geezers? Who are you calling geezers?!
Alvanor: Kai, Mushy, Shroom! Get ready to fight back!
Battle: Hand over the girl and your shinies!
Kai: Why didn't you help us, Mushy? And you, Shroom?
Alvanor: That was rather uncouth of you, younglings!
Kai: That was a bad thing!
Mushy and Shroom: It... bad. It... bad. What is bad?
Mushy and Shroom: I don't know...
Mushy and Shroom: We... We...
Mycelium: We what?! I... I am Mushy. I am Shroom.
Mycelium: Flesh of my flesh. I will see the world. Through a part of you. I will grow...
Mycelium: Go forth!
Kai: Ahem. Well, that was something. We should show them to Thea.

Corrupted Grove Marksmen (Day 3)[]

Thea: I'm speechless! Absolutely dazzled!
Thea: While I was focused on the fight against corruption, I almost missed a miracle right in front of me!
Alvanor: No, no, that's not true, Thea!
Alvanor: You fight the Corruption that I have caused...
Thea: Stop that, my dear friend! Let us go back to our unique specimen.
Mycelium: My specimen. MINE!
Thea: Dear Mycelium, please do not interrupt me.
Thea: Let me take a good look at you, Mushy. There you go.
Thea: Turn around for me, please.
Thea: Mushy, Shroom — you are incredible!
Mushy and Shroom: Mushy! Shroom!
Mushy and Shroom: I am hungry.
Thea: A growing organism needs its sustenance!
Alvanor: I may be well past mature, myself, but I wouldn't mind a meal, too.
Mycelium: No... Mushy will not eat. Mushy will go and see the world!
Thea: I would not advise that!
Mycelium: I said so. Mushy is me. The decision is mine!
Mycelium: Mushy, Shroom, you run along... I need to cultivate.
Thea: Mushy!
Battle: Who dares to trespass in our Forest?!
Alvanor: You almost killed your child!
Thea: The Corruption has not been eradicated yet! We could all die!
Mycelium: Pfft!
Alvanor: Would you look at that — the Mycelium appears to be developing indeed!
Alvanor: Folly... The most human trait.

The Relic Forest (Day 4)[]

Thea: Well then, let us begin our lessons!
Mushy and Shroom: Mushy and Shroom are listening!
Mushy and Shroom: And hearing!
Thea: The world is a dangerous place — you should learn the basics of healing.
Thea: Watch, and try to follow along.
Mushy and Shroom: I can't... We can't...
Thea: There is nobody else like you in the world, Mushy. You can do anything, if you put your mind to it. Let's try again!
Mushy and Shroom: There... Now... There you go!
Thea: You did very well! Good job, you two!
Mycelium: I am developing...
Mushy and Shroom: We are developing!
Mushy and Shroom: We can do it ourselves!
Mycelium: I must develop. You are me!
Scrump/Huge revived tree: I hear denigration!
Mushy and Shroom: Yes!
Scrump/Huge revived tree: A fascinating creature like you deserves better!
Mushy and Shroom: Yes! Exactly!
Scrump/Huge revived tree: Come to me — don't listen to them!
Mycelium: I forbid it!
Thea: Don't do it, Mushy!
Scrump/Huge revived tree: You are the masters of your fate. You should do what you want!
Mushy and Shroom: We will!
Scrump/Huge revived tree: Ahahaha! That was so easy! Too easy.
Scrump/Huge revived tree: Let's have fun!
Battle: The corruption follows you... It's by your side!
Mushy and Shroom: That was... supremely stupid of us, wasn't it?
Thea: Well... that was a bit reckless of you.
Thea: Yes, but I learned a valuable lesson!
Thea: You live, you grow, you meet new people, you walk around. You learn about the world not through our words, but through your own EXPERIENCES!
Mushy and Shroom: We are thinking about this...
Thea: Do you remember the spell we learned today?
Thea: Let's repeat it!

Forest Creatures (Day 5)[]

Kai: Now it's my turn to be the teacher! Are you ready?
Mushy and Shroom: Yes.
Kai: You should say "Yes, teacher"!
Mushy and Shroom: Yes, teacher!
Kai: Observe and stand in awe!
Kai: Well, it's your turn!
Mushy and Shroom: We can't do it...
Mycelium: Try harder!
Mushy and Shroom: Go away!
Mushy and Shroom: We get it!
Kai: Oh, wow! It's hard to admit, but I was a much slower learner.
Mycelium: Bad! Bad! Keep trying!
Mushy and Shroom: Stop telling me what to do! I am Mushy! I am Shroom!
Mycelium: You will do as I say!
Mushy and Shroom: No! And I am leaving!
Battle: We will have our land back and we will have revenge!
Mushy and Shroom: Bad Mushy! Shroom, do as you are told!
Alvanor: What? It's normal, they're growing up!
Kai: Come on, we've all been through that phase!
Mushy and Shroom: I... We... we will try harder. We will try to get it right.
Mushy and Shroom: Thank you!

Witch of the Old Grove (Day 6)[]

Alvanor: There you go. Like that. Good job!
Alvanor: Okay, let's try this again.
Alvanor: Wonderful! very good!
Thea: Mushy, Shroom - you are talented!
Mushy and Shroom: Mushy is tired.
Mushy and Shroom: Shroom is hungry.
Alvanor: Learning takes a lot of energy. Teacher needs it, too!
Alvanor: I would love to pause for a meal.
Witch of the Old Grove: Weary travellers come to our parts!
Witch of the Old Grove: *plays the harp*
Witch of the Old Grove: It would be cruel to deny you rest and a hearty meal.
Witch of the Old Grove: *strikes another chord*
Mushy and Shroom: I can skip a meal, I think...
Mushy and Shroom: I think we should leave. We can rest later.
Witch of the Old Grove: *plays another chord*
Alvanor: Well, I would love to rest right now.
Witch of the Old Grove: Of course! And your meal is still hot - I just made it!
Mushy and Shroom: Let's move on, please! she is weird...
Witch of the Old Grove: *strikes another chord*
Thea: Come on, we cannot deny such a kind hostess!
Thea: Let's go, come on!
Witch of the Old Grove: It's time for lunch.
Witch of the Old Grove: AND YOU ARE IT!
Battle: This dinner is on you!
Alvanor: Shame upon my grey hair!
Thea: How could that witch trick me? I cannot fathom it!
Alvanor: Mushy, Shroom, you saved us all!
Thea: You were the first ones to sense something was wrong, and you started the fight!
Thea: That means you are able to detect ulterior motives and decipher them! Not all people can do that, let me tell you!

Corrupted Grove Forces (Day 7)[]

Thea: And here is the edge of the Old Grove. I can see the walls of Harun from here.
Galahad: Greetings, heroes! I see you have travelled far. Corruption is ravaging the land - would you like me to escort you?
Alvanor: More familiar faces. We would love to have you with us, Galahad.
Mycelium: Mushy will not go. Shroom, hold!
Alvanor: Why? what happened?
Mycelium: Mushy and Shroom are at home. Mushy cannot leave.
Mushy and Shroom: I can't move.
Kai: But Mushy, didn't you want to develop?
Thea: And see the world!
Mushy and Shroom: We want to go out. Let us go!
Mycelium: You cannot leave without me. You are me! I forbid this!
Mushy and Shroom: Mushy and Shroom can do it. Let them go!
Mycelium: You are to weak. Mushy will not survive without me.
Kai: Don't listen to her, Mushy. You are strong! You can make it!
Alvanor: Generational conflict is eternal. Someone should realize that separation is required for survival.
Thea: Dear Mycellium. can't you grow more extensions of yourself?
Galahad: I don't mean to rush you, but if we don't leave right now, we could get in trouble.
Mycelium: Survival through trouble? You will not make it!
Battle: You will stay with us... FOREVER!
Mushy and Shroom: Mushy is strong. Shroom survived!
Mycelium: Mushy and Shroom made it... Go forth. Learn. Develop.
Alvanor: Now we're talking!
Kai: Why did the Mycelium change its mind?
Thea: She must have been certain that Mushy lacks the autonomy to survive out in the world without a parent watching her back.
Mycelium: Mushy and Shroom may go. I allow it.
Mushy and Shroom: This is... sad?
Alvanor: Don't be blue, Mushy! You did really well! You will learn so much more outside the Old Grove - and we will be there to help you.

