Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

A young genius, a charming cat, and a dauntless visionary of interplanetary travel all at once, Julius leaves behind his home planet to explore the world beyond the all-too-familiar horizons. Join Julius as he solves the riddles of the universe, meets new friends and resists dark temptation!


This event introduces the new tank hero Julius.


Julius Coin
Julius Coin

Earn these coins by defeating bosses and completing quests during this special event! Exchange Julius Coins for unique gifts in the Cybertech event store.

Julius Doll
Julius Doll

Open to receive Julius's souls and other useful prizes:

Robot Energy
Robot Energy

Earn this energy by completing quests and use it to fight bosses during the Interplanetary Travel special event!

Event Quests[]

Warming the Engines

Log in time during a special event

Days Robot Energy
1 2
2 2
3 3
4 3
5 3
6 7
7 10
Total 30

Upgrading AI Systems

Reach VIP level

VIP level Robot Energy
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Total 28

Emerald Experiments

Buy Emeralds

Emeralds Emeralds
100 25
300 50
1,000 100
2,500 500
5,000 1,000
10,000 1,500
15,000 2,000
25,000 2,500
40,000 3,000
60,000 5,000
90,000 15,000
Total 30,675

Research Funding

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Robot Energy
100 1
500 2
3,000 3
7,000 4
12,000 5
18,000 6
25,000 8
35,000 10
50,000 12
70,000 14
90,000 30
120,000 60
Total 155

Planetary Analysis

Complete missions on the Mind of the Old Grove special event map

Missions Robot Energy
1 1
3 1
5 2
10 2
15 3
20 3
25 4
30 4
35 12
Total 32

Power Supply

Spend Energy

Energy Robot Energy
100 1
500 2
1,000 2
2,000 2
3,000 3
4,000 3
6,000 4
8,000 5
10,000 6
12,000 7
15,000 8
18,000 9
Total 52

Outlandish Exploration

Open chests in Outlands

Chests Robot Energy
3 1
6 2
10 3
20 4
35 5
50 6
75 7
100 8
125 10
150 12
200 14
250 16
Total 88

Glorious Victories

Defeat the boss (Old Competitor)

Boss Level Reward
130 60 Choice of Crystal
140 1 Bottled Energy
150 30 Choice of Vibrant Crystals
160 20 Choice of Radiant Crystals
170 50 Absolute Artifact Essences
180 40 Choice of Insignia
190 50 Absolute Artifact Scroll
200 40 Choice of Greater Insignia
210 50 Absolute Artifact Metal
220 50 Cosmic Artifact Chests
230 10 Eternal Seeds
240 2,000 Chaos Particles
250 100 Large Stone Skin Chests
260 1 Legendary Gift of Dominion
270 1 Absolute Elemental Spirit Summoning Sphere
Total 2,503

Warming the Engines

Log in time during a special event

Days Robot Energy Avatar
1 2  
2 2  
3 3  
4 3  
5 3  
6 4 Feline Fury Avatar
7 5  
Total 22 1

Upgrading All Systems

Reach VIP level

VIP level Robot Energy
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Total 28

Emerald Experiment

Buy Emeralds

Emeralds Emeralds Avatar Frame
100 25 0 0
300 50 0 0
1,000 100 0 0
2,500 500 0 0
5,000 1,000 0 0
10,000 1,500 0 0
15,000 2,000 0 0
25,000 2,500 0 0
40,000 3,000 0 0
60,000 5,000 Searching for Knowledge Avatar 0
90,000 15,000 0 Cybercat Ears Frame
Total 30,675 1 1

Research Funding

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Julius Coins Frame
100 500  
500 1,000  
3,000 1,500  
7,000 2,000  
12,000 2,500  
18,000 3,000  
25,000 4,000  
35,000 5,000  
50,000 6,000  
70,000 7,000  
90,000 15,000  
120,000 30,000 Unlocked Meowtrix Frame
Total 77,500 1

Planetary Analysis

Complete missions on the Mind of the Old Grove special event map

Missions Robot Energy Avatar
1 1  
3 1  
5 2  
10 2  
15 3  
20 3  
25 4  
30 4  
35 6 Julius's Heart Avatar
Total 26 1

Power Supply

Spend Energy

Energy Robot Energy
100 1
500 2
1,000 3
2,000 4
3,000 5
4,000 6
6,000 8
8,000 10
10,000 12
12,000 14
15,000 16
18,000 18
Total 99

Outlandish Exploration

Open chests in Outlands

Chests Robot Energy
3 1
6 2
10 3
20 4
35 5
50 6
75 8
100 10
125 12
150 14
200 16
250 18
Total 99

The Tower Expedition

Open chests in the Tower

Chests Robot Energy
5 1
12 1
20 2
30 2
40 3
50 3
80 4
100 4
120 6
Total 26

Event Map[]

The event map can be accessed on the right side of Strongford.


Daily Quests[]

Day 1[]

Quest Robot Energy
Complete 5 summons in the Summoning Circle 1
Spend 500 Tower Coins 1
Upgrade any hero's skin 1 time 1
Upgrade the Gift of the Elements 1
Start or join 1 adventure 2
Total 6

Day 2[]

Quest Robot Energy
Begin 1 Expedition 1
Complete 5 missions 1
Fight 3 times in the Arena or Grand Arena 1
Use EXP potion 1
Use Pet Summoning 1 time 2
Total 6

Day 3[]

Quest Robot Energy
Collect 75 Titanite in the Guild Dungeon 1
Get 50 Soul Stones of any hero 1
Spend 200 Energy 1
Spend 500 Arena Coins 1
Start or join 1 adventure 2
Total 6

Day 4[]

Quest Robot Energy
Begin 1 Expedition 1
Complete 5 summons in the Summoning Circle! 1
Open 1 Heroic Chest 1
Open 3 chests in Outlands 1
Fight 5 times in the Arena or Grand Arena 2
Total 6

Day 5[]

Quest Robot Energy
Complete 5 missions 1
Spend 500 Tower Coins 1
Upgrade any hero's skin 1 time 1
Use Emerald Exchange 1 time 1
Use Pet Summoning 1 time 2
Total 6

Day 6[]

Quest Robot Energy
Fight 3 times in the Arena or Grand Arena 1
Open 3 chests in Outlands 1
Open 5 chests in the Tower 1
Upgrade the Gift of the Elements to level 1 1
Start or join 1 adventure 2
Total 6

Day 7[]

Quest Robot Energy
Open 3 chests in the Adventures 1
Open 5 chests in the Tower 1
Spend 200 Energy 1
Use EXP potion 1
Use Emerald Exchange 1 time 2
Total 6


Call of Freedom (Day 1)[]

Chabba: Julius, you look upset. What's wrong?
Julius: Do you guys ever dream of flying?
Chabba: No. That's so dangerous...
Lilith: And pointless! Why would we want to fly?
Julius: Wait! You don't understand! This is a breakthrough! Let me just introduce someone...
Julius: This is Felix, my new robot. He can fly! This is our key to interplanetary travel!
Chabba: What a bunch of childish dreams... So dumb.
Lilith: Cats aren't meant to fly! Leave it for those feathered birdbrains!
Julius: Forget the feathers! It's a breakthrough! We can discover the universe now!
Chabba: Not even your charm can help you wheedle the necessary funding out of the governor.
Julius: You aren't even listening! Fine then! I'll do it myself!
Cornelius: Julius, I've known you for a long time... You've always been daring, but this is just too much - even for you!
Cornelius: Our planet is rich in resources! It offers a peaceful life! What do we have to gain from exploring the vault of the skies?
Julius: Not even you can brush progress off just like that, Governor!
Cornelius: Fantasies are all well and good, my friend! But are you aware of the potential risks and casualties? No, I can't accept that.
Julius: Felix is a groundbreaking invention! The embodiment of our people's lifelong dream!
Cornelius: I can tell you're not so easily swayed... According to our ancient custom, we'll have to resolve this in a trial by combat.
Battle: Your stubbornness is misplaced!
Cornelius: So that's how it is... You won. I will provide funding so you can develop Felix.
Cornelius: In a couple months, you'll be able to explore the vast reaches of the universe.
Cornelius: But remember the risks and the responsibility you bear from now on!
Julius: I assure you, Governor, the risks are minor! This is the path to our future!
Cornelius: You have a sharp mind, Julius, but your heart is much too young. I fear it may lead you astray.
Julius: Don't you worry. Felix will guide me through the void of outer space.
Cornelius: I fear that you don't understand even now. Be careful out there, Julius. Beware of the perils of space...

Dark Temptation (Day 2)[]

Julius: What a curious planet... What do you think about this place, Felix?
Felix: Scanning . . . Initial data acquired! Traces of a sentient humanoid civilization detected.
Julius: The planet looks completely barren...
Felix: Heat analysis suggests that the denizens fled the planet in a hurry.
Julius: I wonder... But who created those crystals, then? Why was the planet abandoned?
Felix: Unable to analyze. Insufficient data.
Peppy: Whoa! Look at that heap of scrap metal!
Julius: Hey, at least introduce yourself before you go insulting my robot! I'm Julius, and this is Felix.
Peppy: I'm Peppy. I'm here to examine the consequences of a magical cataclysm that caused the uncontrollable growth of ether crystals.
Peppy: As you can see, the planet is overgrown with them. The crystals will form an impenetrable crust soon, so we don't have much time.
Julius: "We"? Sorry, but I always work alone.
Peppy: I'd rather join someone to feel safe during this journey. You're a hero, aren't you? Won't you help a damsel in distress?
Julius: Alright. How can I help?
Peppy: To get to the bottom of what happened here, I need to perform the ritual of temporal stream synchronization.
Peppy: The disturbances caused by the crystals will hinder my progress. Mobs are going to break through from different temporal streams. You'll have to fight them off.
Battle: The chronotransgressors must be punished!
The Void: You're just a little girl! You're no match for me! Gaze into my eyes and fathom the VOID!
The Void: Know that you are pathetic! Abandoned by all, lost in your own dreams...
Peppy: For a voice from the abyss, you sure are chatty! Come on, attack me! Show yourself, o mighty voice from the void! Hehe!
The Void: You sight is shrouded by dreams... You cannot see me.
Peppy: You can't break me! You're just a voice, not even in my head! I'm the hero of my own story!
The Void: Pride... You're only leasing your life from fate, mage girl. Now is the time to pay your dues.
Peppy: I don't think so!
Peppy: So empty... So cold and dark... I can't...
Peppy: Help me, Julius...
The Void: Here it is! A mind clear and pure, an outlook that views the world as a set of theorems and predictable solutions!
The Void: Look behind the edge of the worlds, feline prophet of new truths... Behold the Void!
Julius: Who are you?
The Void: I am the voice of freedom, the light of the new world - a world without bullying, or the chaos of variables.
Julius: What do you want?
The Void: To be with you. To be a part of you. For once you glimpse the beauty of knowledge, you will never forget its purity.
The Void: Follow the music of the Void. It will guide you to me.
Peppy: What is it talking about?
Julius: No idea! What matters is that I've finally located the voice. I used this crystal as a natural membrane that monitors disturbances in the ether...
Peppy: Uh, can you keep it simple?
Julius: In a nutshell, we can use the crystals to locate the source of the calamity that shook this world! I believe Felix can decipher the data for us.
Felix: The objective is clear. To obtain more data, find the new information unit, a crystal that emanates the same ether vibrations.
Felix: A helpful observation: The first crystal resonates with the waves emitted by the nearby planet.

Cold Calculation (Day 3)[]

Felix: Warning! An error occurred during decryption! The analysis points at this planet, but the crystal shows no reaction to its atmosphere!
Felix: More data required! Please proceed to explore the planet in more detail!
Peppy: Now hold on! You're the one who's supposed to explore the planet!
Felix: My protection *ERROR* is not designed to withstand *ERROR* such temperatures.
Peppy: You good-for-nothing heap of scrap metal! Behold the art of grandeur!
Julius: What are you doing?! He's a robot! He could malfunction because of your magic!
Peppy: Aww, don't be a buzzkill! Just admit it was cool.
Julius: Felix, a report on the thermal regulation systems please!
Felix: A twenty-fold drop in both pressure and temperature... The spell is sapping heat within a perimeter... Readings have reached critical levels!
Vadjar the Incinerator: Stop the girl! She's stealing our warmth! We've had enough of these frost mages...
Battle: Take you frost magicks elsewhere, young'ins!
Julius: Peppy, your frost incantation was way over the top!
Peppy: I'm sorry, Julius... I just wanted you to see what true magic is like. I promise it won't happen again!
The Void: All mages lie as they seek power... Do not believe her. She is dangerous, uncontrollable...
Julius (soliloquy): To create new things, I must place my trust in others. She has faith in the future and is not afraid to dream, which reminds me of... myself?
Peppy: I feel so bad now...
Julius: Don't you worry, Peppy. Your power lies in faith and mine lies in knowledge! Together, we won't be making so many mistakes.
Peppy: Thanks, Julius! I appreciate your support!
Julius: I'm glad to hear it! Let's proceed with the exploration.
Peppy: I've read about the wars of the Elemental Titans on this world! A shard of ice was once a part of this planet, but now it's detached.
Peppy: Maybe if we can find it, we'll delve even deeper into the mystery of this crystal.
Julius: You're right. We should keep on searching. Vigilance and good judgement are the key to success!

Icy Horror (Day 4)[]

Battle: Julius, you're a weakling!

Stargate (Day 5)[]

Battle: The gate will forever remain sealed!

Dark Haven (Day 6)[]

Battle: I'll extinguish your light!

Old Competitor (Day 7)[]

Battle: Your science is nothing before my magic!


Beating level 130 Governor, no buffs


Beating level 140 Governor, no buffs


Beating level 150 Governor, no buffs


Beating level 160 Governor, no buffs


Beating level 170 Old Competitor, no buffs


180-210, with buffs:


210-240 with buffs


250, 75 Cosmic Power


260, 100 Buff


270, 120 Cosmic Power


