Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

Once upon a time, Keira sacrificed her life to save her friend, Empress Octavia. Her family mourns her death, but the maiden's struggle and suffering continue still. The Dominion must know its heroes. Keira shall be avenged!


Emerald Coin
Emerald Coin

Exchange these Coins for rewards at the event shop.

Event Point
Event Point

Score Points for completing event quests.

Keira Doll
Keira Doll

Contains Keira Soul Stones and other valuable prizes.


DiotB 2023 quests


Event Points Emerald Coins
50 1,400
150 2,800
300 4,000
500 5,200
750 6,200
1,000 6,000
1,300 7,000
1,600 6,800
2,000 8,800
2,500 9,400
3,000 9,500
3,500 9,600
4,000 9,700
4,500 9,800
5,000 9,900
5,500 10,000
6,000 10,100
6,500 10,200
7,000 10,300
7,500 10,400
8,000 10,500
8,500 10,600
9,000 10,700
9,500 10,800
10,000 10,900
10,500 11,000
11,000 11,100
11,500 11,200
12,000 11,300
12,500 11,400
13,000 11,500
13,500 11,600
14,000 11,700
14,500 11,800
15,000 11,900
15,500 12,000
16,000 12,250
16,500 12,500
17,000 13,000
17,500 14,000
18,000 15,000
Total 403,850

Upgrade skins

skins upgraded Event Points
10 250
20 250
30 250
40 250
50 250
60 250
70 250
80 250
90 250
100 250
Total 2,500

Upgrade skins

artifacts upgraded Event Points
5 50
10 50
20 100
30 100
50 200
70 250
100 300
130 300
160 300
200 400
Total 2,050

Get VIP points

VIP points Event Points
500 240
1,000 240
1,500 240
2,000 240
2,500 240
3,000 240
3,500 240
4,000 240
4,500 240
Total 2,160

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Event Points
5,000 240
10,000 240
15,000 240
20,000 240
25,000 240
30,000 240
35,000 240
40,000 240
45,000 240
Total 2,160

Spend Energy

Energy Event Points
1,000 25
2,000 25
3,000 25
4,000 25
5,000 25
6,000 25
7,000 25
8,000 25
9,000 25
10,000 25
Total 250


Promote Keira

Rank Event Points
Orange 400
Orange +2 600
Total 1,003

Unlock ascension Glyphs

Glyphs Event Points
1 25
3 50
5 50
7 50
9 50
11 50
15 100
20 125
25 125
35 300
Total 925

Upgrade Octavia's Blade

Level Event Points
10 25
20 25
40 50
60 100
80 250
Total 450

Upgrade Keira Glyphs

Glyph Event Points
10 25
25 35
60 75
100 165
150 350
Total 650


The Call of Darkness

Log in time during a special event

Days Keira Dolls
1 1
2 2
3 3
Total 6

Furious Spirit

Get VIP points

VIP points Keira Dolls Emeralds
50 1 25
100 2 50
300 3 100
600 4 250
1,000 5 500
1,500 6 750
2,500 7 1,000
3,500 8 2,000
4,500 9 3,000
Total 45 7,675

To The Fullest

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Keira Dolls Keira Soul Stones
100 1 1
500 2 3
2,500 3 5
6,000 4 10
12,000 5 15
18,000 6 20
25,000 7 25
35,000 8 50
45,000 9 75
65,000 10 100
Total 55 304

Phantom Energy

Spend Energy

Energy Keira Soul Stones
500 1
1,000 3
1,500 5
2,500 10
3,500 15
5,000 20
7,000 25
9,000 50
12,000 75
15,000 100
Total 304

The Call of Darkness[]

Log in during the special event

Day Artifact Essence Artifact Scroll Artifact Metal Artifacts
1 50     Octaviana's Blades
2   50   Alchemist's Folio
3     50 Ring of Agility
Total 50 50 50 3

Furious Spirit[]

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds spent Keira Soul Stone
100 2
300 3
1,000 5
2,000 8
3,000 12
5,000 15
7,000 20
10,000 30
15,000 40
22,000 60
30,000 100
40,000 180
Total 475

Phantom Energy[]

Spend Energy

Energy Keira Soul Stone
100 2
300 3
600 5
1,000 6
1,400 9
1,800 10
2,200 12
2,600 14
3,000 16
4,000 18
6,000 25
8,000 35
Total 155

Death's Promise[]

Promote Keira

Rank Common Enchantment Rune Rare Enchantment Rune Great Enchantment Rune
Green 5    
Blue   5  
Violet     5
Orange     20
Total 5 5 25

To the Fullest[]

Buy Emeralds today

Emeralds spent Emeralds
200 50
700 100
1,200 150
3,000 200
14,000 1,500
25,000 3,000
Total 5,000

Event Shop (2023)[]
