Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

Not even death could stop Corvus once and for all. Resurrected by his daughter, he swore to protect the Kingdom of Graven and its new Dominion allies from enemies once more. Woe be to those who cross the path of the King of the Undead!



Emerald Coin
Emerald Coin

Exchange these Coins for rewards at the event shop.

Event Point
Event Point

Score Points for completing event quests.

Corvus Doll
Corvus Doll

Contains Corvus Soul Stones and other valuable prizes.

  • 2 Corvus Dolls
  • TBA


Event Points[]

Score Points for completing event quests

Event Points Emerald Coins
50 1,400
100 2,800
150 4,000
300 5,200
500 6,200
750 6,500
1,000 7,000
1,250 7,500
1,500 8,800
2,000 9,400
2,500 9,500
3,000 10,000
3,500 10,200
4,000 10,400
4,500 10,600
5,000 10,800
5,500 11,000
6,000 11,200
6,500 11,400
7,000 11,600
7,500 11,800
8,000 12,000
8,500 12,200
9,000 12,400
10,000 12,600
11,000 12,800
12,000 13,000
13,500 13,200
15,000 13,400
18,000 13,600
Total 292,500


Promote your hero Corvus to rank X

Rank Event Points
Violet 100
Orange 200
Orange+2 400
Total 700


Reach the Evolution level X for Corvus

Level Event Points
4 120
5 120
6 240
Total 480


Get VIP Points

VIP Points Event Points
500 150
1,000 250
1,500 400
2,000 500
2,500 650
3,000 800
3,500 1,100
4,000 1,200
4,500 1,400
Total 6,450


Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Event Points
2,500 100
5,000 150
10,000 250
15,000 300
20,000 350
30,000 600
40,000 750
50,000 850
60,000 1,000
Total 4,350


Spend Energy

Energy Event Points
1,000 25
2,000 30
3,000 30
4,000 40
5,000 40
6,000 50
7,000 55
8,000 60
9,000 60
10,000 70
Total 460

Ascension Glyphs[]

Unlock an Ascension glyph in the Ascension Spire X times

Asc. Glyphs Event Points
1 20
3 20
5 25
7 50
9 50
11 50
15 100
20 150
25 200
35 350
Total 1,015


Spend Gold

Gold Event Points
50,000 30
100,000 30
200,000 40
350,000 50
500,000 50
800,000 50
1,200,000 50
2,000,000 60
3,000,000 65
Total 425


Reach the Glyph level totaling X for Corvus

Glyphs Event Points
10 30
25 40
60 90
100 110
150 200
Total 470

Soul Atrium[]

Perform X summons in the Soul Atrium

Summons Event Points
5 50
10 150
15 250
25 350
40 450
60 600
80 800
100 1,000
Total 3,650

Event Shop[]


Death is not the end, thought Morrigan as she devoted her life to studying dark magic. The price of knowledge has been high, but her desire to bring her beloved father back from the dead is stronger still.


Nocturnal Scroll[]

Use Nocturnal Scrolls to fight bosses in the Darkness Falls event.

Corvus Coin[]

Exchange Corvus Coins for unique gifts in the Corvus' Store.

Morrigan Coin[]

Exchange Morrigan Coins for unique gifts in the Morrigan's Store.

Event Quests

Gloomy Days

Log in during the special event

Day Nocturnal Scroll Avatar
1 2  
2 2 White Crow
3 3  
4 3  
5 3  
6 4 Jolly Raven
7 5  
Total 22 2

The Steps of Darkness

Reach VIP level

VIP Level Nocturnal Scroll
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Total 28


Buy Emeralds

Emeralds bought Emeralds Avatar Frame
100 25    
300 50    
1,000 100    
2,500 500    
5,000 1,000    
10,000 1,500    
15,000 2,000    
25,000 2,500    
40,000 3,000    
60,000 5,000 Avatar  
90,000 15,000   Undead Master Frame
Total 30,675 1 1

Magical Adept

Spend Emeralds

Emeralds Morrigan Coin Corvus Coin
100 250 250
500 500 500
3,000 750 750
7,000 1,000 1,000
12,000 1,250 1,250
18,000 1,500 1,500
25,000 2,000 2,000
35,000 2,500 2,500
50,000 3,000 3,000
70,000 3,500 3,500
90,000 7,500 7,500
120,000 15,000 15,000
Total 38,750 38,750

In Spite of Death

Complete Quests on the special event map

Quest Nocturnal Scroll
1 1
3 1
5 2
10 2
15 3
20 3
25 4
30 4
35 6
Total 26

Night Energy

Spend Energy

Energy Nocturnal Scroll
100 1
500 1
1,000 2
2,000 2
3,000 3
4,000 4
6,000 5
8,000 8
10,000 10
12,000 12
15,000 15
18,000 18
Total 81

Dark Secrets

Open chests in Outland

Chest Nocturnal Scroll
3 1
6 1
10 2
25 2
35 3
50 4
75 5
100 8
125 10
150 12
200 15
250 18
Total 81

Enemies are Coming

Fight on the Arena or Grand Arena

Fight Nocturnal Scroll
2 1
3 1
5 2
10 2
15 3
25 3
35 4
50 4
70 6
Total 26

Daily Quests[]

On daily quests, you win Nocturnal Scrolls, that are used to fight daily bosses. Those bosses drop Corvus Coins and/or Morrigan Coins, that can be used in Corvus' Store and Morrigan's Store.

Day 1[]

  • Complete 5 missions
  • Level up any character's gift of the element
  • Use coin exchange once
  • Spend 500 Tower Coins
  • Start one expedition

Day 2[]

  • Open 5 tower chests
  • Use 5 summoning spheres
  • Open 3 outland chests
  • Start or join an adventure
  • Fight 3x on Arena or Grand Arena

Day 3[]

  • Start an expedition
  • Use 1 pet summoning egg
  • Collect 75 titanites in the dungeon
  • Level up heroes skills three times
  • Use coin exchange once

Day 4[]

  • Complete 3 missions (campaign)
  • Spend 500 Tower Coins
  • Open a chest
  • Win an elements tournament match
  • Spend 500 Arena Coins

Day 5[]

  • Spend 200 energies
  • Open 5 tower chests
  • Use any experience potion once
  • Open 3 adventure chests
  • Level up heroes skills three times

Day 6[]

  • Start or join an adventure
  • Open 3 outland chests
  • Fight 3x on Arena or Grand Arena
  • Get 50 hero soul stones
  • Level up any character's gift of the element

Day 7[]

  • Start an expedition
  • Use 5 summoning spheres
  • Complete 3 missions (campaign)
  • Use 1 pet summoning egg
  • Use any experience potion once
