Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

You'd better not hurt her if you don't want to part with your life. Better yet, don't even glance at her if you're afraid of dying a painful death. Yasmine is here, and she's already begun her dance!


Yasmine Doll
Yasmine Doll

Contains Yasmine Soul Stones and other valuable prizes.


Dangerous Acquaintance

Log in during the special event

Day Yasmine Dolls
1 1
2 2
3 3
Total 6

Tactical Thinking

Get VIP points

VIP Points Yasmine Dolls Emeralds
50 1 25
100 2 50
300 3 100
600 4 250
1,000 5 500
1,500 6 750
2,500 7 1,000
3,500 8 2,000
4,500 9 3,000
Total 45 7,675

Snake Charmer

Spend Emeralds

Emerald Yasmine Dolls Yasmine Soul Stones
100 1 1
500 2 3
2,500 3 5
6,000 4 10
12,000 5 15
18,000 6 20
25,000 7 25
35,000 8 50
45,000 9 75
65,000 10 100
Total 55 304

Sweet Poison

Spend Energy

Energy Yasmine Soul Stones
500 1
1,000 3
1,500 5
2,500 10
3,500 15
5,000 20
7,000 25
9,000 50
Total 129


Yasmine Casket
Yasmine Casket

Open Yasmine Caskets to receive the new hero's Soul Stones and other unexpected prizes.


Dangerous Acquaintance

Log in during the special event

Day Artifact Essence Artifact Scroll Artifact Metal Artifact Fragment
1 50     Concubine's Khanjars
2   50   Warrior's Code
3     50 Ring of Agility
Total 50 50 50 3

Tactical Thinking

Reach VIP level

VIP Level Energy Gold
1 100 20,000
2 100 30,000
3 100 50,000
4 100 100,000
5 100 1,000,000
Total 500 1,200,000

Snake Charmer

Spend Emeralds

Emerald Yasmine Casket
100 2
300 4
1,000 6
2,000 8
3,000 10
5,000 12
7,000 15
10,000 20
15,000 25
25,000 30
35,000 40
50,000 60
Total 232

Adrenal Madness

Spend Energy

Energy Yasmine Casket
100 1
200 2
300 3
500 4
750 5
1,500 6
2,500 7
3,500 8
4,500 9
6,000 10
7,500 12
12,000 15
Total 82

Moving Upwards

Promote Yasmine to rank

Rank Yasmine Casket
Green 1
Blue 2
Violet 3
Orange 5
Total 11

Sweet Poison

Buy Emeralds

Emerald bought Emeralds Yasmine Casket Avatar
100 25 1  
300 50 2  
1,000 100 3  
2,500 300 4  
5,000 500 6  
10,000 1,000 8  
17,500 1,500 10  
20,000 3,000 15  
40,000 5,000   Yasmine Avatar
Total 11,475 49 1

