Hero Wars Wiki
Hero Wars Wiki

In a bid to protect the world from her destructive powers, Polaris sealed herself in a mortal body and found refuge in the Dominion's ice. One day, she'll learn to control her abilities and return home to her fellow stars, but for now, the foes of the Dominion will have to weather her freezing-cold radiance.


Browser Polaris skill 1

White: Pulsing Comet

Polaris attacks the most distant enemy with a Pulsing Comet, which deals damage to a small area of effect and starts moving towards the enemy in the front. The comet explodes two more times: once halfway through its journey and once near its destination. If the skill is triggered again, the comet stops to deal the rest of the damage in one spot.

  • Damage per pulse: 33,962 (20% Magic attack + 50 * Level)
Browser Polaris skill 2

Green: Glacial Fortress

Creates an ice barrier that can withstand three hits. Every time an enemy hits the barrier, Polaris gets 10% bonus energy and the attacker slows down for 3 seconds. After the third hit, the barrier explodes into dozens of ice shards, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

  • Damage on explosion: 11,486 (1% Health + 50 * Level)
Browser Polaris skill 3

Blue: Northern Lights

Polaris unleashes the Northern Lights onto her enemies. Her allies' control effects last for 60 (0.5 * Level + 5)% longer when applied to the affected foes. The Northern Lights also decrease the level of enemy skills that have a chance of activating by 10.

  • Control duration increase: 60 (0.5 * Level + 5)%.
Browser Polaris skill 4

Violet: True Freeze

When a Pulsing Comet or a Glacial Fortress explodes, the affected enemies receive a True Freeze status effect for 3 seconds. The frozen enemies become stunned and lose their ability to accumulate energy or other resources. Magic damage dealt to them increases by 140 (1.5 * Level + 5)%, while physical damage decreases by 80%.

  • Magic damage boost: 140 (1.5 * Level + 5)%.


For browser, Polaris was introduced to the game with the The Stranger from Frigid Space which started on 21 December 2023.

