This Adventure has three lanes and very strong static buffs on all of them. However, it also has less squads than other adventures with 15 AP per player, and the map is well interconnected, allowing for creative strategies.
Static buffs[]
- Left
- +90% physical damage resist
- +100% damage
- +150% healing
- Middle
- +90% pure, physical and magic damage resist
- +100% damage
- +250% health
- Right
- +90% magic damage resist
- +100% damage
- +250% health
Sorted by total error margin within categories. All strategies except for unassorted category aim at 4 chests as anything less is a low goal. They make various compromises between level of interactivity, adaptiveness and boss chest safety.
Strategies with no waiting, provided that adventurers pick the paths in provided order. This makes them more convenient for regular adventures. The paths are usually more rigid though, making it harder to recover if there are more defeats than expected for one of players.
A variant of Spiral that doesn't wait for other side player to appear on the map. First player unlocks entire map for both teammates. They can go in any order, and orange can kill boss even as second player.
Margin of error is still quite healthy (2 for first, 3 for orange, 5 for other side). First player can just post paths, do their job and pick up rewards later. Orange preferably runs second, to learn if help is needed.
- 🟢 9-1-8-2-4-7-16-23-24-14-24-17-11
- 🟠 5-12-15-28-29-34-25-26-18-19-20-Boss x4
- 🔵 3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-21-13
- 🔵 8-1-9-3-6-10-22-31-30-15-30-21-13
- 🟠 5-12-14-26-25-34-29-28-20-19-18-Boss x4
- 🟢 2-4-7-16-23-32-23-24-17-11
- 🟢 9-1-7-2-4-6-16-23-24-14-24-17-11
- 🟠 8-12-15-28-29-32-25-26-18-19-20-Boss x4
- 🔵 3-5-10-22-31-36-31-30-21-13
- 🔵 7-1-9-3-5-10-22-31-30-15-30-21-13
- 🟠 8-12-14-26-25-32-29-28-20-19-18-Boss x4
- 🟢 2-4-6-16-23-33-23-24-17-11
First player can fully clear their side if they fancy it (incl. 32 / 36). This saves 3rd player another step, allowing extra tactics. If orange struggles, they can call for a strong 3rd player to help with 19 or Boss.
Independent paths for Blue and Green reduces waiting compared to most other strategies. The error margins are quite generous, but only share partially between green and blue. Orange is on their own and must be very versatile and reliable.
The two variants are identical up to 24 / 30, the side with less defeats should take the detour. This chooses orange's path. Transpositions are possible. First path is identical with Kokoth strategy, and the early stages are similar among multiple strategies.
- 🟢 8-2-4-07-16-23-32-23-24-14-24-17[-11]
- 🔵 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-21-13
- 🟠 5-12-15-28-29-34-25-26-18-19-20-Boss x4
- 🔵 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-15-30-21[-13]
- 🟢 8-2-4-7-16-23-32-23-24-17-11
- 🟠 5-12-14-26-25-34-29-28-20-19-18-Boss x4
- 🟢 7-2-4-6-16-23-33-23-24-14-24-17[-11]
- 🔵 9-3-5-10-22-31-36-31-30-21-13
- 🟠 8-12-15-28-29-32-25-26-18-19-20-Boss x4
- 🔵 9-3-5-10-22-31-36-31-30-15-30-21[-13]
- 🟢 7-2-4-6-16-23-33-23-24-17-11
- 🟠 8-12-14-26-25-32-29-28-20-19-18-Boss x4
Low interaction[]
These strategies involve some minor level of interaction where one player need to wait for another even if they join in expected order. This allows some increased security of boss chest and/or 4th chest, or more adaptive approaches.
Blue must reach 15 (error margin: 3), red must reach 32 (error margin: 4). If all goes well, they can then go for a bonus quest (see white glow) to make it easy for green (with a shared error margin of 2). (Mirror instructions apply to Left Hook.)
If successful, green has a generous error margin of 7, otherwise green transposes to Spiral (blue detour) or handles the leftovers ad-hoc. If blue fully clears their path, the interactivity is minimal: Green can kill the boss easily and even take 25 for red if they prefer to do so.
- 🔵 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-21-30-15-[28-29-34]
- 🔴 8-2-4-7-16-7-11-17-24-23-32-[33-25-34-29]
- 🟢 5-12-14-26-18-19-20-Boss(x8)
- 🔴 8-2-4-7-16-23-32-23-24-17-24-14-26-[25-34]
- 🔵 9-3-6-10-22-10-13-21-30-31-36-[35-29-34-25]
- 🟢 5-12-15-28-20-19-18-Boss(x8)
- 🔵 9-3-5-10-22-31-36-31-30-21-30-15-[28-29-32]
- 🔴 7-2-4-6-16-6-11-17-24-23-33-[34-25-32-29]
- 🟢 8-12-14-26-18-19-20-Boss(x8)
- 🔴 7-2-4-6-16-23-33-23-24-17-24-14-26-[25-32]
- 🔵 9-3-5-10-22-10-13-21-30-31-36-[35-29-32-25]
- 🟢 8-12-15-28-20-19-18-Boss(x8)
If red and blue both succeed, orange has easy times.
- 🔵 8-2-4-7-16-7-11-17-24-23-32-33-25-34
- 🔴 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-15-28-29-30-21-[13]
- 🟠 5-12-14-26-18-19-20-Boss(x8)
Red failed before 36 and turns white. Solfors-like orange.
- 🔵 8-2-4-7-16-7-11-17-24-23-32-33-25-34
- 🔴 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-15-28-29-30-21-[13]
- 🟠 5-12-14-26-18-12-15-28-20-19-18-Boss(x4)
Blue failed more than once and orange is under pressure.
- 🔵 8-2-4-7-16-7-11-17-24-23-32-33-25-34
- 🔴 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-31-30-15-28-29-30-21-[13]
- 🟠 5-12-14-26-18-12-15-28-29-34-25-15-18-Boss(x2)
Green oranges are very sour, barely edible, with an error margin of 1.
Transposition to Spiral (blue detour) should be advised if possible (with red at 36 and orange at 26). That lets orange to run clockwise spiral from 26 and increases their error margin to a healthier 3.Took the blue path from Calvinthesneak's image and expanded it.
Essentially sub-optimal compared to OnePunchMan: Right takes 13 instead of 21, left wastes 1 AP in the backtracking. Middle is identical, and can also transpose to Spiral (blue detour) if necessary.
- 🔴 09-03-06-10-13-10-22-31-36-31-30-15-28-29-34
- 🔵 08-02-04-07-11-07-16-23-32-23-24-17-24-25-34
- 🟠 05-12-14-26-18-19-20-Boss(x8)
Strategies involving a lot of interaction between players as they clear buffs for each other. While this introduces waiting cycles, it also allows for strategies with more attacks on boss and generally better boss chest security.
Independent first player opens the game. The other two players should be well synchronized as they will wait for each other a lot. This is a slow but safe guide where players can help each other. Upon reaching 18 / 20, they can finish it creatively.
First player can skip detour to 32 / 36 as long as they can take 11 / 13.
- 🟢 8-2-4-7-16-23-[32-23-]24-14-24-17[-11]
- 🟠 9-13-21-30-15-28-20-Boss(x5)-18-12-5
- 🔵 3-6-10-22-31-36-35-29-34-25-26-18-19
- 🔵 9-3-6-10-22-31-[36-31-]30-15-30-21[-13]
- 🟠 8-11-17-24-14-26-18-19-20-Boss x6
- 🟢 2-4-7-16-23-32-33-25-34-29-28-20-12[-5]
- 🟢 7-2-4-6-16-23-[33-23-]24-14-24-17[-11]
- 🟠 9-13-21-30-15-28-20-Boss(x5)-18-12-8
- 🔵 3-5-10-22-31-36-35-29-32-25-26-18-19
- 🔵 9-3-5-10-22-31-[36-]31-30-15-30-21[-13]
- 🟠 7-11-17-24-14-26-18-19-20-Boss x6
- 🟢 2-4-6-16-23-33-34-25-32-29-28-20-12[-8]
Perhaps the best strategy if you have two players with mostly physical teams: Only blue has to face anti-physical static buffs. Blue can take #19 or #34 to help red or blue, and two players have access to boss. Note that in level 13, some of the static buffs are moved, so yellow will face some anti-physical buffs.
- 🔴 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-35-29-34-29-30-21[-13]
- 🟡 8-11-17-24-14-12-5-12-15-28-20-19[-18-Boss(x2)]
- 🔵 2-4-7-16-23-32-33-25-26-18-Boss(x5)
A strategy meant for two strong damage type specialists and one generalist. Fairly similar to RushNow, including color scheme. But this time, yellow has to face all types of static buffs. This time it's red and blue who hit the boss.
Note that yellow and red are in a good position to swap paths upon reaching 15 / 29, and blue and red can go creative at 18 / 20.
- 🟡 8-11-17-24-14-12-5-12-15(wait)-30-21[-13]
- 🔵 2-4-7-16-23-32-33-25-34-25-26-18-BOSSx3
- 🔴 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-35-29-28-20-19-20-BOSSx2
- 🔵 8-11-7-16-23-24-17-24-14-26-25-34 (Independent route)
- 🟠 2-4-2-1-5-12-15-28-20-19-18-Boss(x4)
- 🟢 9-3-6-10-22-31-36-35-29-30-21-13
Note that the map has incorrect steps for 🟢: There is #6 between step 2 and 3.
Identical to Solfors except for the color scheme. [Numbers in square brackets are optional, depending if the other side takes 34 or not. Either side can take 34.]
- 🔴 09-03-06-10-22-31-36-35-29-[34-29]-30-21-13
- 🔵 08-02-04-07-16-23-32-33-25-[34-25]-24-17-11
- 🟠 05-12-15-28-15-12-14-26-18-19-20-27
- 🔴 09-03-06-10-22-31-30-21-30-31-36-35-29-34-[25]
- 🔵 08-02-04-07-16-23
- 🟠 succeeds-32-33-25 (4 chests)
- 🔴 fails-34-25-24-17-11-[X]
- 🔴 succeeds-24-17-11-[X-X-X]
- 🟠 fails-24-25 (3 chests)
- 🔴 fails-34-25-26-18-Boss(x3)
- 🔴 succeeds-26-18-Boss(x5)
- 🟠 succeeds-32-33-25 (4 chests)
- 🟠 05-12-15-28-20-12-14-26-18-19-20-Boss(x4)
These strategies provide no text description and they vary in their quality.